Saturday, 24 August 2019

Principles for Sound Liquidity Risk Management:

 Principles for Sound Liquidity Risk Management:

After the global financial crisis, in recognition of the need for banks to improve their liquidity risk
management, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) published “Principles for Sound
Liquidity Risk Management and Supervision” in September 2008. The broad principles for sound liquidity
risk management by banks as envisaged by BCBS are as under:
Fundamental principle for the management and supervision of liquidity risk
Principle 1 A bank is responsible for the sound management of liquidity risk. A bank should
establish a robust liquidity risk management framework that ensures it maintains
sufficient liquidity, including a cushion of unencumbered, high quality liquid assets, to
withstand a range of stress events, including those involving the loss or impairment of
both unsecured and secured funding sources. Supervisors should assess the
adequacy of both a bank’s liquidity risk management framework and its liquidity
position and should take prompt action if a bank is deficient in either area in order to
protect depositors and to limit potential damage to the financial system. Governance of liquidity risk management
Principle 2 A bank should clearly articulate a liquidity risk tolerance that is appropriate for its
business strategy and its role in the financial system. Principle 3 Senior management should develop a strategy, policies and practices to manage
liquidity risk in accordance with the risk tolerance and to ensure that the bank
maintains sufficient liquidity. Senior management should continuously review
information on the bank’s liquidity developments and report to the board of directors
on a regular basis. A bank’s board of directors should review and approve the
strategy, policies and practices related to the management of liquidity at least annually
and ensure that senior management manages liquidity risk effectively. Principle 4 A bank should incorporate liquidity costs, benefits and risks in the internal pricing, performance measurement and new product approval process for all significant
business activities (both on- and off-balance sheet), thereby aligning the risk-taking
incentives of individual business lines with the liquidity risk exposures their activities
create for the bank as a whole. Measurement and management of liquidity risk
Principle 5 A bank should have a sound process for identifying, measuring, monitoring and
controlling liquidity risk. This process should include a robust framework for
comprehensively projecting cash flows arising from assets, liabilities and off-balance
sheet items over an appropriate set of time horizons. Principle 6 A bank should actively monitor and control liquidity risk exposures and funding needs
within and across legal entities, business lines and currencies, taking into account
legal, regulatory and operational limitations to the transferability of liquidity. Principle 7 A bank should establish a funding strategy that provides effective diversification in the
sources and tenor of funding. It should maintain an ongoing presence in its chosen
funding markets and strong relationships with funds providers to promote effective
diversification of funding sources. A bank should regularly gauge its capacity to raise
funds quickly from each source. It should identify the main factors that affect its ability
to raise funds and monitor those factors closely to ensure that estimates of fund
raising capacity remain valid. Principle 8 A bank should actively manage its intraday liquidity positions and risks to meet
payment and settlement obligations on a timely basis under both normal and stressed
conditions and thus contribute to the smooth functioning of payment and settlement
systems. Principle 9 A bank should actively manage its collateral positions, differentiating between
encumbered and unencumbered assets. A bank should monitor the legal entity and
physical location where collateral is held and how it may be mobilised in a timely
manner. Principle 10 A bank should conduct stress tests on a regular basis for a variety of short-term and
protracted institution-specific and market-wide stress scenarios (individually and in
combination) to identify sources of potential liquidity strain and to ensure that current
exposures remain in accordance with a bank’s established liquidity risk tolerance. A
bank should use stress test outcomes to adjust its liquidity risk management

strategies, policies, and positions and to develop effective contingency plans. Principle 11 A bank should have a formal contingency funding plan (CFP) that clearly sets out the
strategies for addressing liquidity shortfalls in emergency situations. A CFP should
outline policies to manage a range of stress environments, establish clear lines of
responsibility, include clear invocation and escalation procedures and be regularly
tested and updated to ensure that it is operationally robust. Principle 12 A bank should maintain a cushion of unencumbered, high quality liquid assets to be
held as insurance against a range of liquidity stress scenarios, including those that
involve the loss or impairment of unsecured and typically available secured funding
sources. There should be no legal, regulatory or operational impediment to using
these assets to obtain funding. Public disclosure
Principle 13 A bank should publicly disclose information on a regular basis that enables market
participants to make an informed judgment about the soundness of its liquidity risk
management framework and liquidity position. Thus, a sound liquidity risk management system would envisage that:
i) A bank should establish a robust liquidity risk management framework.
ii) The Board of Directors (BoD) of a bank should be responsible for sound management of liquidity risk
and should clearly articulate a liquidity risk tolerance appropriate for its business strategy and its role in
the financial system.
iii) The BoD should develop strategy, policies and practices to manage liquidity risk in accordance with
the risk tolerance and ensure that the bank maintains sufficient liquidity. The BoD should review the
strategy, policies and practices at least annually.
iv) Top management/ALCO should continuously review information on bank’s liquidity developments and
report to the BoD on a regular basis. v) A bank should have a sound process for identifying, measuring, monitoring and controlling liquidity risk,
including a robust framework for comprehensively projecting cash flows arising from assets, liabilities and
off-balance sheet items over an appropriate time horizon. vi) A bank’s liquidity management process should be sufficient to meet its funding needs and cover both
expected and unexpected deviations from normal operations. vii) A bank should incorporate liquidity costs, benefits and risks in internal pricing, performance
measurement and new product approval process for all significant business activities. viii) A bank should actively monitor and manage liquidity risk exposure and funding needs within and
across legal entities, business lines and currencies, taking into account legal, regulatory and operational
limitations to transferability of liquidity.
ix) A bank should establish a funding strategy that provides effective diversification in the source and
tenor of funding, and maintain ongoing presence in its chosen funding markets and counterparties, and
address inhibiting factors in this regard. x) Senior management should ensure that market access is being actively managed, monitored, and
tested by the appropriate staff. xi) A bank should identify alternate sources of funding that strengthen its capacity to withstand a variety of
severe bank specific and market-wide liquidity shocks. xii) A bank should actively manage its intra-day liquidity positions and risks. xiii) A bank should actively manage its collateral positions. xiv) A bank should conduct stress tests on a regular basis for short-term and protracted institution-specific
and market-wide stress scenarios and use stress test outcomes to adjust its liquidity risk management
strategies, policies and position and develop effective contingency plans. xv) Senior management of banks should monitor for potential liquidity stress events by using early
warning indicators and event triggers. Early warning signals may include, but are not limited to, negative
publicity concerning an asset class owned by the bank, increased potential for deterioration in the bank’s
financial condition, widening debt or credit default swap spreads, and increased concerns over the
funding of off- balance sheet items. xvi) To mitigate the potential for reputation contagion, a bank should have a system of effective
communication with counterparties, credit rating agencies, and other stakeholders when liquidity
problems arise. xvii) A bank should have a formal contingency funding plan (CFP) that clearly sets out the strategies for
addressing liquidity shortfalls in emergency situations. A CFP should delineate policies to manage a
range of stress environments, establish clear lines of responsibility, and articulate clear implementation
and escalation procedures. xviii) A bank should maintain a cushion of unencumbered, high quality liquid assets to be held as
insurance against a range of liquidity stress scenarios. xix) A bank should publicly disclose its liquidity information on a regular basis that enables market
participants to make an informed judgment about the soundness of its liquidity risk management
framework and liquidity position. 5. Governance of Liquidity Risk Management:
The Reserve Bank had issued guidelines on Asset Liability Management (ALM) system, covering inter
alia liquidity risk management system, in February 1999 and October 2007. Successful implementation of
any risk management process has to emanate from the top management in the bank with the
demonstration of its strong commitment to integrate basic operations and strategic decision making with
risk management. Ideally, the organisational set up for liquidity risk management should be as under:
A. The Board of Directors (BoD):
The BoD should have the overall responsibility for management of liquidity risk. The Board should decide
the strategy, policies and procedures of the bank to manage liquidity risk in accordance with the liquidity
risk tolerance/limits as detailed in paragraph 14. The risk tolerance should be clearly understood at all
levels of management. The Board should also ensure that it understands the nature of the liquidity risk of
the bank including liquidity risk profile of all branches, subsidiaries and associates (both domestic and
overseas), periodically reviews information necessary to maintain this understanding, establishes
executive-level lines of authority and responsibility for managing the bank’s liquidity risk, enforces
management’s duties to identify, measure, monitor, and manage liquidity risk and formulates/reviews the
contingent funding plan. B. The Risk Management Committee:
The Risk Management Committee, which reports to the Board, consisting of Chief Executive Officer
(CEO)/Chairman and Managing Director (CMD) and heads of credit, market and operational risk
management committee should be responsible for evaluating the overall risks faced by the bank including
liquidity risk. The potential interaction of liquidity risk with other risks should also be included in the risks
addressed by the risk management committee. C. The Asset-Liability Management Committee (ALCO):
The Asset-Liability Management Committee (ALCO) consisting of the bank’s top management should be
responsible for ensuring adherence to the risk tolerance/limits set by the Board as well as implementing
the liquidity risk management strategy of the bank in line with bank’s decided risk management objectives
and risk tolerance. D. The Asset Liability Management (ALM) Support Group:
The ALM Support Group consisting of operating staff should be responsible for analysing, monitoring and
reporting the liquidity risk profile to the ALCO. The group should also prepare forecasts (simulations)
showing the effect of various possible changes in market conditions on the bank’s liquidity position and
recommend action needed to be taken to maintain the liquidity position/adhere to bank’s internal limits. 6. Liquidity Risk Management Policy, Strategies and Practices:
The first step towards liquidity management is to put in place an effective liquidity risk management policy, which inter alia, should spell out the liquidity risk tolerance, funding strategies, prudential limits, system for
measuring, assessing and reporting / reviewing liquidity, framework for stress testing, liquidity planning
under alternative scenarios/formal contingent funding plan, nature and frequency of management
reporting, periodical review of assumptions used in liquidity projection, etc. The policy should also
address liquidity separately for individual currencies, legal entities like subsidiaries, joint ventures and
associates, and business lines, when appropriate and material, and should place limits on transfer of
liquidity keeping in view the regulatory, legal and operational constraints. The BoD or its delegated committee of board members should oversee the establishment and approval of
policies, strategies and procedures to manage liquidity risk, and review them at least annually. 6.1 Liquidity Risk Tolerance:

Banks should have an explicit liquidity risk tolerance set by the Board of Directors. The risk tolerance
should define the level of liquidity risk that the bank is willing to assume, and should reflect the bank’s
financial condition and funding capacity. The tolerance should ensure that the bank manages its liquidity
in normal times in such a way that it is able to withstand a prolonged period of, both institution specific
and market wide stress events. The risk tolerance articulation by a bank should be explicit, comprehensive and appropriate as per its complexity, business mix, liquidity risk profile and systemic
significance. They may also be subject to sensitivity analysis. The risk tolerance could be specified by
way of fixing the tolerance levels for various maturities under flow approach depending upon the bank’s
liquidity risk profile as also for various ratios under stock approach. Risk tolerance may also be expressed
in terms of minimum survival horizons (without Central Bank or Government intervention) under a range
of severe but plausible stress scenarios, chosen to reflect the particular vulnerabilities of the bank. The
key assumptions may be subject to a periodic review by the Board. 6.2 Strategy for Managing Liquidity Risk:
The strategy for managing liquidity risk should be appropriate for the nature, scale and complexity of a
bank’s activities. In formulating the strategy, banks/banking groups should take into consideration its legal
structures, key business lines, the breadth and diversity of markets, products, jurisdictions in which they
operate and home and host country regulatory requirements, etc. Strategies should identify primary
sources of funding for meeting daily operating cash outflows, as well as expected and unexpected cash
flow fluctuations. 7. Management of Liquidity Risk:
A bank should have a sound process for identifying, measuring, monitoring and mitigating liquidity risk as
enumerated below:
8.1 Identification:
A bank should define and identify the liquidity risk to which it is exposed for each major on and off- balance sheet position, including the effect of embedded options and other contingent exposures that
may affect the bank’s sources and uses of funds and for all currencies in which a bank is active. 8.2 Measurement of Liquidity Risk:
There are two simple ways of measuring liquidity; one is the stock approach and the other, flow approach. The stock approach is the first step in evaluating liquidity. Under this method, certain ratios, like liquid
assets to short term total liabilities, purchased funds to total assets, core deposits to total assets, loan to
deposit ratio, etc. are calculated and compared to the benchmarks that a bank has set for itself. While the
stock approach helps up in looking at liquidity from one angle, it does not reveal the intrinsic liquidity
profile of a bank. The flow approach, on the other hand, forecasts liquidity at different points of time. It looks at the liquidity
requirements of today, tomorrow, the day thereafter, in the next seven to 14 days and so on. The maturity
ladder, thus, constructed helps in tracking the cash flow mismatches over a series of specified time
periods. The liquidity controls, apart from being fixed maturity-bucket wise, should also encompass
maximum cumulative mismatches across the various time bands. 8. Ratios in respect of Liquidity Risk Management:
Certain critical ratios in respect of liquidity risk management and their significance for banks are given
below. Banks may monitor these ratios by putting in place an internally defined limit approved by the
Board for these ratios. The industry averages for these ratios are given for information of banks. They
may fix their own limits, based on their liquidity risk management capabilities, experience and profile. The
stock ratios are meant for monitoring the liquidity risk at the solo bank level. Banks may also apply these
ratios for monitoring liquidity risk in major currencies, viz. US Dollar, Pound Sterling, Euro and Japanese
Yen at the solo bank level.

No. Average
(in %)
1. (Volatile liabilities – Temporary Assets)
/(Earning Assets – Temporary Assets)
Measures the extent to which volatile money supports
bank’s basic earning assets. Since the numerator
represents short-term, interest sensitive funds, a high
and positive number implies some risk of illiquidity. 40
2. Core deposits/Total Assets Measures the extent to which assets are funded
through stable deposit base. 50
3. (Loans + mandatory SLR +
mandatory CRR + Fixed
Assets)/Total Assets
Loans including mandatory cash reserves and
statutory liquidity investments are least liquid and
hence a high ratio signifies the degree of ‘illiquidity’ embedded in the balance sheet. 80
4. (Loans + mandatory SLR +
mandatory CRR + Fixed
Assets) / Core Deposits
Measure the extent to which illiquid assets are
financed out of core deposits. 150
5. Temporary Assets/Total
Measures the extent of available liquid assets. A
higher ratio could impinge on the asset utilisation of
banking system in terms of opportunity cost of holding
liquidity. 40
6. Temporary Assets/ Volatile
Measures the cover of liquid investments relative to
volatile liabilities. A ratio of less than 1 indicates the
possibility of a liquidity problem. 60
7. Volatile Liabilities/Total
Measures the extent to which volatile liabilities fund the
balance sheet. 60
Volatile Liabilities: (Deposits + borrowings and bills payable up to 1 year). Letters of credit – full
outstanding. Component-wise CCF of other contingent credit and commitments. Swap funds (buy/ sell)
up to one year. Current deposits (CA) and Savings deposits (SA) i.e. (CASA) deposits reported by the
banks as payable within one year (as reported in structural liquidity statement) are included under volatile
liabilities. Borrowings include from RBI, call, other institutions and refinance. Temporary assets =Cash + Excess CRR balances with RBI + Balances with banks + Bills
purchased/discounted up to 1 year + Investments up to one year + Swap funds (sell/ buy) up to one year. Earning Assets = Total assets – (Fixed assets + Balances in current accounts with other banks + Other
assets excluding leasing + Intangible assets)
Core deposits = All deposits (including CASA) above 1 year (as reported in structural liquidity
statement)+ net worth
The above stock ratios are only illustrative and banks could also use other measures / ratios. For
example to identify unstable liabilities and liquid asset coverage ratios banks may include ratios of
wholesale funding to total liabilities, potentially volatile retail (e.g. high cost or out of market) deposits to
total deposits, and other liability dependency measures, such as short term borrowings

Friday, 23 August 2019

Cyber fraud management exam recollected questions on 17.11.2018

 Cyber fraud management exam recollected questions on 17.11.2018
The regulator of uav ,
Netra developed by,
Script kiddies,
Ethical hacking,
Blue hat hacking,
Nigeria 419,
Social engineering,
When a NRI contacted u by phone to transfer 500000 lakh rupee to another account in another branch.what action will be taken by you as a Branch manager.
.org,.com are Tld or Sld,
Cyber crime definition,
Cyber smearing,
Masquerading attack,
Email spoofing,
In a software application at end of page we use to see "I agree with term and conditions".what do you mean by that.
A.p case vs Tcs case,
Eucp started in which year,
Steps involved in online transfer processing.
Where scada is used.
Anonymous definition,
Tail gating,
Tress passing,
Harrasing a lady over mail comes under which crime,
Cyber warfare,
Definition of Durability,
Odd man out of the given below which is not an app
Locard principle,
Malicious code writers,

By rama

Cyber crime definition

3 factors induce to commit fraud

Internet of things

Wank worm first hacktivist attack


Script kiddies






Authorisation authentication difference


authentication tech for e mail

Digital signature

Internet addiction disorder


blue hat hacker

2D bar coding known as matrix code


prevention control

Detection control

Digital footprints

Brute force attack

Payment wallets


prepaid cards

Shoulder surfing


TCS vs state of AP case

IPC forgery of electronic records

3 domain servers of security initiative

Compulsive disorders


Jilani working group


  • to combat computer related crimes, CBI has following specialized structure 

CBI Interpol

Sunday, 18 August 2019

Msme recollected 01.12.2018

Msme recollected 01.12.2018
Smera, itcot, stages of msme, duration for sanction upto 25 lakhs, duration for sanction upto 50 lakhs, duration for disbursement after sanction upto 50 lakhs, unido, working capital sum, ratio sum, stages of cluster, credit rating agencies, composite loan limit, msmed act in which year, sarfaesi in which year, ots, sum on provisioning, question on Cambridge something, Fiwe, wto, dscr, asset turnover ratio, working capital turnover ratio, diffusion effect of technology change, questions of market strategy, women entrepreneurs , minimum and maximum directors of public and private ltd company, shareholders, limited liability partnership, minor partner, deferred payment guarantee, performance guarantee, red clause lc, back to back lc.

Msme recollected 01.12.2018
Smera, itcot, stages of msme, duration for sanction upto 25 lakhs, duration for sanction upto 50 lakhs, duration for disbursement after sanction upto 50 lakhs, unido, working capital sum, ratio sum, stages of cluster, credit rating agencies, composite loan limit, msmed act in which year, sarfaesi in which year, ots, sum on provisioning, question on Cambridge something, Fiwe, wto, dscr, asset turnover ratio, working capital turnover ratio, diffusion effect of technology change, questions of market strategy, women entrepreneurs , minimum and maximum directors of public and private ltd company, shareholders, limited liability partnership, minor partner, deferred payment guarantee, performance guarantee, red clause lc, back to back lc.


Registration of charges:

(Section 77 to Section 87 and the Companies (Registration of Charges) Rules, 2014)

-“charge” means an interest or lien created on the assets of the company or any of its undertakings or both as security and includes a mortgage.

- This is newly incorporated definition. Earlier Act did not define what is charge but

listed different types of charges which required registration.

-The issue whether Bankers' lien under Section 171 of the Indian Contract Act or Negative lien created by the loan agreements is required to be registered is still a grey area and is being debated. In our view both need not be registered. However, if any power of attorney is given the same should be registered.

- Under Section 77 particulars of all charges created on its property or assets or any of

its undertakings, within or outside India, have to be registered with Registrar of Companies (ROC) within thirty days from the date of creation of charges. It is necessary that all charges created in favour of the Bank are registered with ROC within thirty days else there is a possibility that the Bank may lose priority of the Charge.

- The ROC on the application of the company, on being satisfied that the company had sufficient cause for not filing particulars of charge within 30 days may allow registration after 30 days but within a period of 300 days from the date of creation of charge.

- If the particulars of charge or for modification or satisfaction of charge are not filed within 300 days the company or any person interested in registration of charge can file an application to the Central Govt. for condonation of delay and extension of time for filing particulars of charges. Central Govt. can impose conditions for extension of time

Sincere thanks to all who gave input/material and the training colleagues/organizations who took pains to prepare/disseminate knowledge.Compiled

from various sources. Please share this with colleagues within BANK only. Pl think twice before printing this and anything. Errors if any noticed

- Pledge is not expressly excluded by Section 77 but excluded in the Form CHG.1.It is advisable to register charge of pledge also under the head “others” in the Form1. Even if omitted to be registered the Bank can take umbrage under exclusion provided in the Form1.

- I f the company fails to register the charge within a period of 30 days from the date of creation of charge, the person (the BANK) can apply for registration of charge along with copy of the instrument by which charge was created, and the ROC with in a period of 14 days from such application, after giving notice to the company allow registration of charge subject to payment of fees.

. By virtue of Section 79 of the Act, provisions of Section 77 relating to registration of charge also apply to

(a) A company acquiring property subject to a charge;

(b) Any modification or extent or operation of the registered charge. In other words modification of charges is also to be registered.

- Under Section 82 the company has to report satisfaction of charges.

IMPORTANT- It is important to note that it is imperative that charges created in favour of the Bank are registered within a period of 30 days from the date of creation of charge. Otherwise it is possible that Bank may lose priority of charge created in favour of the Bank.

Fifty banking terms


( Don't miss ... Read every one and Get knowledge)

1. Repo Rate

1.When RBI provides a loan to the bank for short-term between 1 to 90, RBI takes some interest from the bank which is termed as Repo Rate.

2. Reverse Repo Rate
⏫When bank deposit it's excess money in RBI then RBI provides some interest to that bank. This interest is known as Reverse Repo Rate.

3. SLR –(Statutory Liquidity Ratio)
⏫Every bank has to maintain a certain % of their total deposits in the form of (Gold + Cash + bonds + Securities) with themselves at the end of every business days. Current SLR is 20.75%.

4. Retail banking
⏫Retail banking is a type of banking in which direct dealing with the retail customers is done.
⏫This type of banking is also popularly known as consumer banking or personal banking.
⏫It is the visible face of banking to the general public.

5. Bitcoin
⏫Bitcoin is a virtual currency/ cryptocurrency and a payment system.
⏫It can be defined as decentralized means of tracking and assigning wealth or economy, it is a software protocol.
⏫Bitcoin uses two cryptographic keys, one public (username) and one private (password) are generated.
⏫1Bitcoin= 108 Satoshi.

6. Call money
⏫Call/Notice money is the money borrowed on demand for a very short period. When money is lent for a day it is known as Call Money.

7. Notice money
⏫When the money is borrowed or lent for more than a day up to 14 days it is called Notice Money.

8. Difference between Capital market and Money market
⏫A capital market is an organised market which provides long-term finance for business.
⏫Whereas Money market provides short-term finance for business

9. Scheduled bank
Banks which are included in 2nd Schedule of RBI Act 1934 are known as a scheduled commercial bank. These banks should fulfil two conditions:
⏫Paid up capital and collected funds should not be less than Rs.5 Lacs.
⏫Any activity of the Bank should not adversely affect the interests of the customers.

10. Non Performing Assets
⏫NPA is an asset of a bank which is not producing any income.
⏫Bank Usually classify as nonperforming assets any commercial loans which are more than 90 days overdue and any consumer loans which are more than 180 days overdue.

11. Money Inflation
⏫Money Inflation is a State in which the Value of Money is Falling and the Prices are rising, over a period of time.

12. Negative interest rate
⏫When there is less demand for loans the banks park their excess fund with the central bank by which they get an interest.
⏫Negative interest rate policy (NIRP) means that central banks will deduct money from commercial banks for depositing their money with the central bank. Commercial banks, in turn, will do the same to common people.

⏫So the end effect is that people will have to pay money to banks to hold their cash.

13. Green Banking
⏫Green banking means promoting environmentally friendly practices and reducing your carbon footprints from your banking activities.
⏫Green banking aims at improving the operations and technology along with making the clients habits environment-friendly in the banking business.

⏫It is like normal banking along with the consideration for social as well as environmental factors for protecting the environment.

14. Blockchain system
⏫These days the transactions in the banking sector are becoming a very tedious task and so as to ensure that this tedious task to be removed, our banking sector is trying to emerge towards blockchain technology.

⏫To simplify the transactions without the help of any third party in a secure manner is really a great challenge, but to overcome this challenge an anonymous online ledger (collection of financial accounts) which uses the data structure to simplify it is called blockchain technology.

15. Balloon mortgage
⏫A mortgage is a transfer of a right to stable property for the security purpose of a loan amount.
⏫Balloon mortgages are just for short term and it has fixed rate mortgage.
⏫In balloon mortgage, a monthly payment is lower because of large payment at the end of a term.
⏫A balloon payment is for the honest and qualified borrowers who have the good credit history.

16. Retail credit operations
⏫Retail Credit Operations means the sequential process which involves screening, evaluation of risk(s), and ensuring that the bank lends to a creditworthy client from the asset products applications sourced.

17. Skimming
⏫Skimming is a method used by fraudsters to capture customer's personal or account information of credit card.
⏫Customer's card is swiped through the skimmer and the information contained in the magnetic strip on the card is then read into and stored on the skimmer or an attached computer.

⏫Skimming is a tactic used predominantly for credit-card fraud, but it is also a tactic that is gaining in popularity among identity thieves.

18. Money laundering
⏫Money laundering is a process of conversion of illegal money from various sources to appear to have originated from legitimated (Legal) source.

⏫The major sources of illegal money are tax evasion, bribe, Smuggling etc.

19. Cheque
⏫Cheque is an unconditional order addressed to a banker, signed by the person who has deposited money with a banker, requesting him to pay on demand a certain sum of money only to the order of the certain person or to the bearer of the instrument.

20. Direct Debit
⏫Direct Debit is a financial activity in which one person withdraws funds from another person's bank account.
⏫It is a facility in which the payee withdraws the amount from the payer's account, the payer has instructed the bank to allow the payee directly withdraw the amount from the account.

21. Cash Credit
⏫Cash Credit is a proper limit sanctioned by the bank to the borrowing manufacturing/trading unit against the value of the raw materials, semi-finished goods and finished goods including stores.

22. Bill of Exchange
⏫A bill of exchange is a non- interest bearing written order which is used primarily in foreign trade which binds one party to pay a fixed amount of money to another party at a decided future date.

⏫A bill of exchange is signed by the creditor and accepted by a debtor.

23. Cash Reserves Ratio
⏫Every bank Maintain certain % of their total deposits with RBI in the form of Cash and Net demand & Time Liabilities.
⏫Current CRR is 4%. Every Bank has to pay the amount to RBI on every 15 Days.

24. Bank Rate
⏫Bank rate is also termed as “Discount Rate”
⏫The rate through which RBI charges certain % for providing money to other banks without any security for a Long period of time for 90 Days & Current Bank Rate is 6.75%.

25. Marginal standing facility
⏫MSF is the rate through which bank can borrow funds for Short time – Overnight basis.
⏫Current MSF is 6.75%.

26. Minimum Reserve system of RBI
⏫The current system of the Indian government to issue notes is “Minimum Reserve System”.
⏫Under this policy, the minimum reserves to be maintained in the form of gold and foreign exchange should consist of rupees 200 crores.

⏫Out this reserve, the value of gold to be maintained is rupees 115 crores.
⏫This system was introduced in 1956 replacing the proportional reserve system.

27. Clean note policy of RBI
⏫Lots of people in our country have a bad habit of writing something on the currency note, folding currency note, also somebody staple it which spoils the Note and reduces notes durability.

⏫So to avoid such occurrences RBI introduced the Clean Note Policy in 2001 in an order to increase the life of currency notes.
⏫The main objective of this Clean Note Policy is to provide good quality currency notes and coins to the citizens of our country.

28. CAMELS rating system
⏫CAMELS is a rating system developed in the US that is used by supervisory authorities to rate banks and other financial institutions.

⏫It applies to every bank in the U.S and is also used by various financial institutions outside the U.S.

Each factor is assigned a weight as follows:
⬅Capital adequacy 20 %
⬅Asset quality 20%
⬅Management 25%
⬅Earnings 15%
⬅Liquidity 10%
⬅Sensitivity 10%

29. Masala Bonds
⏫The bonds listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) is termed as Masala Bonds.
⏫These bonds are offered and settled in US dollar to hike Indian Rupee in International market .
⏫These bonds help to raise Indian rupees from International investors for infrastructural development in India.
⏫International Financial Corporation (IFC) converts bond from dollars into rupees and uses the rupees to finance private sector investment in India.

30. Core Banking Solutions
⏫Core Banking Solution (CBS) is networking of branches, which enables customers to operate their accounts, and avail banking services from any branch of the Bank on CBS network, regardless of where he maintains his account.

⏫The customer is no more the customer of a Branch.
⏫He becomes the Bank’s Customer.

31. Unified Payment Interface
⏫This interface will integrate the entire payment systems in India.
⏫It uses a single application programme interface with a series of Application Programme interface (API’S).
⏫The mobile devices are the primary object for all the payments.

32. Micro ATM S
⏫Micro ATMs are not any special type of ATMs
⏫It is the advanced version of Point of Sale (PoS) having an additional feature of Biometric scanning.
⏫It is also known as a mini version of ATMs.
⏫These machines are connected with the GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) mobile internet and it uses Core Banking Solution (CBS) platform to perform the different types of services.

33. Letter of Credit
⏫The letter of credit is one of the negotiable instrument.
⏫It is given by the bank, that guarantee’s buyer’s payment to the seller shall be received on time along with the proposed amount to be paid.

⏫In this instinct, if the buyer is unable to make the agreed payment to the seller, then the bank will cover the full or remaining amount of purchase.

34. Bancassurance
⏫Bancassurance is the concept of selling insurance products of insurance companies by banks.
⏫The bank acts as an agent and promotes Banca (bancassurance) products under section 6(1)(o) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949.
⏫It was originated in Europe in the 1980s and was successful.
⏫The bancassurance business model is a globally accepted profitable business.

35. Banking Ombudsmen
⏫Banking Ombudsman is a senior official appointed by RBI.
⏫He handles and redresses customer complaints against deficiency in certain banking services.
⏫The Banking Ombudsman Scheme was introduced under Section 35 A of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 by RBI with effect from 1995.

36. The Balance of Trade
⏫The difference of the country’s exports and the value of its imports are known as the Balance of Trade.
⏫It normally incorporates trade in services unless mentioned as the balance of merchandise trade.
⏫It includes earnings (interest, dividends, etc.) on financial assets.

37. A Balance of Payments
⏫A list that states a country’s transactions with other countries for a certain time period (generally 1 year).
⏫Payments into the country (receipts) are entered as positive numbers, called credits.
⏫Payments out of the country (payments) are entered as negative numbers called debts.
⏫A single number summarises the country’s international transactions: the balance of payments surplus.

38. NOSTRO Account
⏫A NOSTRO account is one which is maintained by an Indian Bank in the foreign countries.

39. VOSTRO Account
⏫A VOSTRO account is one which is maintained in India by a foreign bank with their corresponding bank.

⏫The full form of LIBOR is London Interbank Offered Rate.
⏫It is the interest rate at which funds are borrowed by banks in marketable size, from other banks in the London interbank market.

⏫The full form of MIBOR is Mumbai Interbank Offered Rate.
⏫It is the interest rate at which funds are borrowed by banks in marketable size, from other banks in the Mumbai interbank market.

42. CASA Account
⏫CASA stands for Current Account Savings Account.
⏫The CASA ratio displays the value of deposits maintained in a bank in the form of current and savings account deposits in the total deposit.

⏫A higher CASA ratio means the better operating efficiency of the bank.

43. RAFA Account
⏫RAFA stands for Recurring Deposit Account Fixed Deposit Account.
⏫The RAFA ratio shows how much deposit a bank has in the form of Recurring and fixed deposits.

44. DEMAT account
⏫The full form of Demat Account is Dematerialized account.
⏫This is a type of bank account for citizens in India so that they can trade in stocks or debentures which are listed in the stock market.

⏫Just as a savings account contains money saved, a demat account has stocks saved.

45. Legal Tender
⏫As per provisions of coinage Act 1996, bank notes, currency notes and coins (Re. 1 and above) are legal tender for the unlimited amount.

⏫The subsidiary coins (below Re. 1) are legal tenders for the sum not exceeding Re 1.
⏫Issue of 1, 2 and 3 paisa coins discontinued wef Sep 16, 1981.

46. Currency Chest
⏫Currency chests are operated by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) so that they can provide good quality currency notes to the public.
⏫However, RBI has appointed commercial banks to open and monitor currency chests on behalf of RBI.
⏫The money kept in currency chests in the commercial banks is considered to be kept in RBI.

47. Insolvency
⏫An organization, a family, person, or company is declared as insolvent when they are unable to pay their debts back on time.
⏫One of the most common solutions for insolvency is bankruptcy.

48. Bankruptcy
⏫Bankruptcy is a legal declaration of person who is unable to pay off debts.
⏫In generally, Bankruptcy is of two types- Reorganization and Liquidation bankruptcy.
⏫Under the bankruptcy of reorganization, debtors should restructure their bill plans to make them more easily met.
⏫Whereas under liquidation bankruptcy, Debtors has to sell their assets to make money so that they can pay off their creditors.

49. Amortisation
⏫Amortization is a periodic payment of a debt like a loan or a mortgage.
⏫Amortization is the arrangement of a lump sum cash flow into many periodic instalments over a span of time, which is also called amortization agenda.

50. Credit Crunch
⏫A credit crunch is also known as a Credit squeeze or credit crisis.
⏫A credit crunch is a condition in which there is an immediate decline in the availability of a loan or the credit.
⏫A situation in which suddenly the credit becomes difficult to get.
⏫Sometimes it can be done by reverse actions like by strict rules and regulations to avail the fund from the financial institutions like banks, NBFCs, and many other lenders.

iibf JULY 2019 EXAMS Recollected

In today's microfinance exam questions from,
1. Chikola group
2. Rrb bank established in the year
3. Rbi act, rrb act,
4. Bank rakyat Indonesia
5. Malegam committee recommendation
6. Shg bank linkage program
7. Sewa bank
8. Break even analysis also named as
9. As 2 deals with
10. Examples of cash flow like travel expenses interest expenses
11. 2 numericals from break even anaysis
12.average case load formula
13. Question from relationship risk

Recollected Questions 21.07.2019 IT security recollected on 21.07.2019
ROBO backup
Skimmer and shimmer
RFID and Barcode shortcomings
ISO 27001
After Jillani committee 1996
What IT act took place
Downstream liability
A/B testing
VoiP eavesdropping
User level controls
Defence in Depth
Green servers
Blade servers
E -wastes
ATM jitter
Mobile banking
CLOUD computing
SQL Injection
Cyber terrorism
Viruses worms
Fault tolerence
Business continuity and Disaster recovery


Many case studies were there - calculations of duration,MD,convexity, mclr related problem, cal of market, credit risk weighted assets,


Certified treasurey professional questions dated 14.7.19
Friends to be honest paper was easy compared with the one dated 27.4.19
The following are the questions given
Numerical related to
Commercial paper numericals around 6-7 and also individual questions related to cp and cd such has issuers and maximum limit and minim limit and
Questions related to various measures of options : delta , gamma,rho,
Numericals on bond prices
Numericals of auctions
Dutch auction
French auction
Novation definition
Liquidity related questions
Direct quote
Reinvestment risk
Qustions related to bond yield
Transfer pricing
Option coupon bond
Zero coupon bond
The questions were mostly numericals so pleae go through the reference book
All d best friends


information System Banker Recollected questions
Digital Signature
Digital forensics
Internal audit
DBA responsibility
Telecommunications system audit
Power off switches
Cyber terbunal judge or magistrate
DS reissuance
Central depository of DS
Audit trail significance
Bottom up methodology
Audit plan
Virtual keyboard
IFMS full from
Inherent risk
Insider threat
IS Audit policy
Information security officer role
DBA responsibility
Stress testing
Critical applications
Poor architecture system
Prototyping model
RTO application
IT Act 2000
Punishment for copyright as per IT Act
Controller of Certifying Authorities operates the National Repository of Digital Signatures (NRDC)
Function of modem, which is not an OOP Lang. C C++ Java C#, questns abt DRP, Trojan horse, sniffing, spoofing, availability, integrity, DBMS, preventive, corrective, detective controls, BCP
DDL DML DCL TCL commands, CA CCA-Digital certificates
Digital signature complete
Cyber apellate tribunal presiding officer
System testing
Compliance testing
Substantive testing
Telecom control
Db forms
Db commands
Risk based audit
It audit
Dba roles n resp
Prototyping model
Sdlc full
Interface testing
Rbeit ltd reg it subsidiary of rbi
Non repudiation
Bot stroke worms
Certified information System Banker

13.01.2019 3 PM Batch
Moderate Difficulty
Passing Mark 60
Each question carries 1 mark ( 100 questions )

Scored 55 marks

Recollected questions
DR centre location
Data warehouse
Audit charter/policy
Is audit 5 -10 questions
RAM and cache memory
Static RAM
Which DB model used in CBS
Characteristics of a table
Many to Many relationship in DB
Simple ,self,outer join
Adaptive maintenance
Packet switching
Full Duplex method
Diff between router and switch
Function of osi model layers 5 questions
Which protocol used in banking http,smtp,tcp/ip
Real time processing
Emergency response
Mirror site and reciprocal agreement
Trojan horse
E money
Spoofing, piggybagging
Pervasive principle in GASSP
Classification of control
Boundary sub system
Audit trail
Types of noise (cross talk)
False positive and negative
Intrusion detection systems and tuning
In what circumstances user ID and password will be given to user(emergency access)
Remote Access
OS tasks
Travelling virus procedure
Public and private key encryption

ISB Recollected Questions and Exam Tips june18::::

Function of modem, which is not an OOP Lang.
C C++ Java C#, questns abt DRP,
Trojan horse, sniffing, spoofing, availability, integrity, DBMS, preventive, corrective, detective controls, BCP

International trade finance today's recollected

Its all about Limits on various transaction, FEMA Schedule:I, II, III, LRS, JV/WOS, different FC A/c and their purpose. Reading Macmillan BOOK thoroughly is sufficient to clear the Exam.

[08/07, 07:28] Ara: Vostro account
[08/07, 07:28] Ara: ECB is a form of bank loan, suppliers credit, buyer credit
[08/07, 07:28] Ara: Standby letter of credit is under ucp600 or ucp600 ,isp
[08/07, 07:28] Ara: Bill of Ladding 2 questions, export bill crystallization, guarantee maximum period, exim Bank duties 2mark, Duration of bill realisation, PCFC value above export order, deemed exporter, if domestic price increases above export price...
[08/07, 07:28] Ara: Deemed export 2 ques
[08/07, 07:28] Ara: Bank guarantee under
[08/07, 07:28] Ara: Lrs scheme available to individuals upto USD 250000 not to corporate, partnership, huf, trust
[08/07, 07:28] Ara: Buyer credit linked to Libor/ mibor
[08/07, 07:28] Ara: Documents should be presented within 21 days from
[08/07, 07:30] Ara: If the maturity date is a holiday then it should be presented before the date or after holiday
[08/07, 07:38] Ara: Merchant trade should be completed within 9 months
[08/07, 07:41] Ara: What is clean payment
[08/07, 07:41] Ara: High sea sale
[08/07, 07:42] Ara: Trade blog 1 que
[08/07, 07:43] Ara: Normal transist period is from the port to destination port or from manufacturing to destination port
[08/07, 07:47] Ara: India export rice in exchange of petrol, Diesel this is theory of comparative advantage , heckscher ohlin theory, theory of absolute advantage
[08/07, 07:50] Ara: In trade within country which is common as international trade. Dap ,Daa LC
[08/07, 08:00] Ara: Factoring forfeiting 4 questions
[08/07, 08:06] Ara: Transfer LC
[08/07, 08:11] Ara: Foreign exchange governed by dgft RBI, exim bank,
[08/07, 08:14] Ara: Lc is given on Fob value
[08/07, 08:20] Ara: If ABC company is having bank guarantee with x bank and they are entering to contract with y to supply goods and if ABC company fails what bank will do a) pay to y on the value of entered or b) pay a guarantee amount
[08/07, 08:21] Ara: Pre shipment 360 days
[08/07, 08:21] Ara: Preshipment interest is given upto 180 days
[08/07, 08:27] Ara: Bank guarantee should not be issued more than 10 yrs
[08/07, 08:29] Ara: Status holder are classified from one to five star
[08/07, 08:29] Ara: Softex is used for software export
[08/07, 08:36] Ara: Advance remittance up to usd200000

[08/07, 08:39] Ara: ABC company is dealing with goods and banking with x 🏦 bank , it buys goods from y and for y company x bank willing to finance is it a) vendor finance b) channel finance
[08/07, 08:49] Ara: Three , four star export house
[08/07, 08:54] Ara: Export of goods freely upto RS 500000
[08/07, 08:57] Ara: Project contractors after completion of project abroad may import without an authorisation good including capital goods used in project provided they have been used for atleast 1 yrs
[08/07, 08:58] Ara: Duty exemption scheme
[08/07, 08:59] Ara: Duty drawback scheme

[08/07, 09:03] Ara: Arbitration
[08/07, 09:03] Ara: Speculation
[08/07, 09:05] Ara: If on Oct 3 transaction is settled on Oct 5 assuming Oct 3,4,5 is working day this is a) spot b) forward c ) future d) ready
International Trade Finance exam yesterday.

Bill of Ladding 2 questions, export bill crystallization, guarantee maximum period, exim Bank duties 2mark, Duration of bill realisation,PCFC value above export order, deemed exporter, if domestic price increases above export price... Some more questions which I recollected.


Trade Finance Recollected Questions: Preshipment, Post shipment Finance, PCFC, Forfaiting, EXIM Bank, FTP, Trade Blocs, ECGC Confirmation, DEPB Scheme, EPCG, Limitation Clause, ECNOS full form, Combined Transport Document, Gift Exports limit, Adv payment limit on Import, Bonafide Baggage period, Drawback, Merchanting TradeTrade, Domestic Trade types.

 digital banking recollected
Emv and non emv
Abps and aeps
Financial exclusion concept
10 questions on cards
Frauds like skimming etc
Risk based 5 questions
Mpin based 3 questions
Card dimension
8 straight forward questions from book
Confusing ones as all questions have 2 anwers carefull before marking answers
Digital banking todays recollected questions

Otp full from
Pharming  attack on internet website's 
Mom and pop means
Technology solution in India which is not part of FI
Cyber mugging
X2x service code
Pos terminals related questions
Dimensions of plastic card
Difference between  gprs pos and pstn  pos
First pos mc developer in india
Chargeback related questions
Jackpotting in atm means
Meltdown and spectre means
Nfs managed by npci situated at
In Forex settlement the rupee leg is settled through

If I recollect I will append pls

Questions were conceptual. Really difficult questions from LG and LC. Questions from Syndication and MBA -5. LC - no numericals only conceptual case study 5 no. Syndication and Consortium -5 . EPS -5, IBC -5 , and questions covering the whole book. Interesting fact - none of this answer was the right answer nearly 15 -20 questions. Very confusioning

  • Cleared CCP today.. Questions were from msme service n manufacturing sector, Npv and irr difference, eps calculation, calculation of tnw-1, minor question-2,case study on huf , bcsbi -2 questions, case study on lc and asked to select type of lc, max period of BG, deferred payment guarantee, cersai is done under, cersai is used for, break even point calculation-1,standard deviation on investment,time value for money etc...
·         Forex operations review and Recollected exam
·         Usance Period
·         sanction of fresh/enhanced export credit limits should be made within 45
·         Limit for export under OPGSP
·         Schedule III of FEMA
·         Remittance exceeding USD10Mio per project consultancy service in respect of Infra Projects
·         commission to an agents abroad for sale of residential flats-USD25000 or 5% of inward remittance
·         reimbursement of pre-incorporation expenses
·         Donation - 1% or USD 5Mio
·         Pan mandatory for all LRS remittance
·         LRS reporting - Daily Basis
·         LRS not applicable to HUF,Partnership form, Trust
·         2 new Incoterms incorporated in 2010
·         export realisation period
·         collectin bill
·         rate application from transfer from NRE to FCNR
·         who issue SOFTEX form
·         fedai last meetings
·         advance remittances toward imports of services are permitter without any limit
·         question on accruals in the account should be converted into rupees into rupee on last day of succeeding
·         month
·         who can open SNRR account
·         How much INR can be taken outside Inida
·         Export of gift articles not exceeding 5 lacs
·         NRO account Foreign nationals should not exceed more than 6 months
·         Vostro account is funded through which Form1/2/3/4
·         when we sent MT707
·         Travellers proceedings to which countries not exceeding USD 300 per visit
·         Target of FTP2015-20 export target of $900 billion by 2019-20
·         Article 13 of UCP 600
·         Green clause credit
·         Commercial invoice should be signed and dated
·         10-12 questions on ECB,FDI,ODI
·         3-4 questions on FTP
·          Questions asked from UCP 600, LOC, LRS, FTP 2015- 2020, ECGC, PTA, ECB, etc.
·         Cleard Foreign Exchange Operations Exam today..paper was little bit numericals, no case studies..just theoretical but concept based questions..ECB,FTP,LC,LRS,ECGC,EXIM, pre & post shipment are the some areas which covers more than half of the question paper.
·         forex operation question 27.10.2018
·         fro nre to fcnr which rate apply
·         as per latest what is mandatory for lrs "pan"
·         how much invest in jv - 400%
·         coprporate donate what amount - 1% of forex earning or $5 m which ever is less
·         one from high seas sale
·         marine insurance policy indemnity se related
·         fedai rate declare which rate in month end
·         one is ralated to var and fbil
·         if forward is more than spot then what - interest on base less than counter
·         regarding lou and loc - ans is both are dicontinued
·         one is if there is no loc and lou then what is the option for importer
·         one forfaiting
·         what is requirement to be an exporter
·         if account is standard then in which case there is no need to report ecgc before disbursement
·         ek bpo se related
·         one is from eefc
·         one is for tt buying
·         ftp target for 2020
·         advane under import of services without guarntee - $ 5 lakh
·         condition for granting loan against nri deposit
·         lc amendment- mt707
·         one from urbdg 758
·         urr 722
·         one from demand guarantee
·         standby lc
·         one is lc term prevail against sanction ye ans h question i forget
·         if lc not require transport , invoice then what - option given not remember
·         incoter added in 2010 - dap dat
·         one is if in lc there is no presentation date only expiry given then what will be presentation date
·         for what we can not issue lc
·         if lc is in fob then import licence what we endorse option - cif exw fob
·         who issue softex forms
·         one is edi port - sdf
·         if some mistake in shippong bill then what will appraising officer do - mark and point to commisioner
·         ~forex operation question 27.10.2018
·         fro nre to fcnr which rate apply
·         as per latest what is mandatory for lrs "pan"
·         how much invest in jv - 400%
·         coprporate donate what amount - 1% of forex earning or $5 m which ever is less
·         one from high seas sale
·         marine insurance policy indemnity se related
·         fedai rate declare which rate in month end
·         one is ralated to var and fbil
·         if forward is more than spot then what - interest on base less than counter
·         regarding lou and loc - ans is both are dicontinued
·         one is if there is no loc and lou then what is the option for importer
·         one forfaiting
·         what is requirement to be an exporter
·         if account is standard then in which case there is no need to report ecgc before disbursement
·         ek bpo se related
·         one is from eefc
·         one is for tt buying
·         ftp target for 2020
·         advane under import of services without guarntee - $ 5 lakh
·         condition for granting loan against nri deposit
·         lc amendment- mt707
·         one from urbdg 758
·         urr 722
·         one from demand guarantee
·         standby lc
·         one is lc term prevail against sanction ye ans h question i forget
·         if lc not require transport , invoice then what - option given not remember
·         incoter added in 2010 - dap dat
·         one is if in lc there is no presentation date only expiry given then what will be presentation date
·         for what we can not issue lc
·         if lc is in fob then import licence what we endorse option - cif exw fob
·         who issue softex forms
·         one is edi port - sdf
·         if some mistake in shippong bill then what will appraising officer do - mark and point to commisioner
·         Foreign Exchange Operations Recollected question (27/10/18)-
·         1. LRS scheme availble to?
·         2. question abt Gift/donation.
·         3. one abt medical treatment?
·         4. PAN mandatory in LRS?
·         5. travellers limit 3000USD per visit or per annum?
·         6. foreign currency not permissible to- Nepal
·         7. forward contract limit- USD 1 million
·         8. question on RFC ac.
·         9. direct question on PIO.
·         10. whi can open SNRR ac
·         11. question abt prohibited investment.
·         12. what is green clause lc.
·         13. question on tolerance limit in Lc.
·         14. question abt advising bank.
·         15. question abt MT707.
·         16. 3-4 question abt bill of lading.
·         17. 2 new INCOTERMS.
·         18. SOFTEX form.
·         19. export to warehouse question.
·         20. 5-7 indirect question abt pre and post shipment.
·         21. question on forfaiting.
·         22. question on bill of entry.
·         23. 2-3 question on trade credit.
·         24. 1 question abt nature of transaction and rate applied.
·         25. 1 abt ECIB(WTPC)
·         26. 1 question on standby credit.
·         27. LRS statement submission.
·         28. normal transit period
·         29. ECB cost ceiling.