Tuesday, 26 May 2020

IIBF new rules

INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE ® RULES AND REGULATIONS OF Remote Proctored Examinations Overview: Presently institute is conducting all its examinations in online mode at various centres across India with physical proctoring. Considering disruption created by pandemic outbreak and changes in environment, Institute will be conducting some of its certificate examination in remote proctoring mode from June/July 2020. For schedule of remote proctored examination click here: http://www.iibf.org.in/documents/pdf/website_schd_remote_proct_exm_20200525.pdf Remote Proctored Examination: Remote proctoring allows candidates to take an examination at a location of his/her choice while ensuring the integrity of the examination. These systems require students to confirm their identity, and, during the examination, the system monitors students through video, mic, etc. looking for behaviour that could indicate unfair practices (cheating). Examinations are conducted over internet using a Desktop/Laptop. Taking examination using any other device is not permitted e.g. mobile, tabs, etc. To start with, Institute would start with the following certificate examinations 1) AML/KYC 2) MSME 3) Prevention of Cyber Crimes and Fraud Management. These examinations will not be conducted in a physical examination room environment from June 2020 i.e. those will be discontinued. Process: Registration: 1) The candidate will register for the examination online for the given course/exam. 2) At the time of registration, the candidate will select date/time of the examination. 3) At the time of registration, the candidate can register for e-learning/e-book, if required, by paying the requisite additional fees. 4) The study material can be in the form of e-book and/or e-learning. 5) Based on the option selected (e-book/e-learning) the candidate will be provided login ID password to access the study material. 6) The candidate will take examination on predetermined date/time under remote proctoring. 7) On successful registration admit letter will be generated. Candidates can download it. Examination: 1) Candidates will take examination under remote proctored mode on predetermined date/time from a secured environment. (refer Do and Don’ts section for more information) 2) Candidates should login to the system half an hour before the exam start time. 3) The examination proctor will verify the candidate’s face with the registered photo image of the candidate. 4) Candidate will also be asked to display any valid original photo id-card (Aadhaar card/eAadhaar/Employer's card/ PAN Card/ Driving License/ Election voter's card/ Passport etc.) for verification purpose. After successful verification the proctor will allow the candidate to start the examination.  5) Candidate may be required to show 360° view of the exam area using the webcam. So that the proctor can identify the object/check the suitability of the exam area/environment. A clear desk/table has to be ensured for appearing for the examination. No reference materials, books, notes, periodicals, mathematical tables, slides rules, stencils, post-its, chits, mobile phones, headsets (wired/ wireless), any other electronic gadgets are allowed to be kept on the table or the desk. 6) Both sides of the rough sheet (if it is going to be used) should be shown to proctor before and after the examination. 7) Once the examination begins live remote proctoring of the candidate’s activities will take place throughout the examination period. 8) Under remote proctoring candidate’s activities will be monitored using webcam, mic etc. Computer screen, browser, mouse, keyboard etc. will be monitored. 9) Proctor, if required, can convey information/ instructions to the candidate using chat box. 10) If a candidate indulges in unfair practices/suspicious acts, the proctor will intervene and warn the candidate through chat box or can cancel/stop the examination immediately as the case may be. 11) After completion of the examination/submission, provisional scorecard will be displayed on the screen. 12) For passed candidates, digitally signed Certificate will be issued within three weeks from the examination date. Minimum System Requirement: I) Desktop/Laptop:  Browser: Google Chrome version 75 & above, with cookies & popups enabled  Video/Audio: Webcam and a good quality Mic is required  Operating system: Windows 8 or 10  RAM & Processor: 4 GB+ RAM, i3 5th Generation 2.2 Ghz or equivalent/higher  Pop-up blocker: Disabled II) Internet Connection: Stable internet connection with at-least 512 kbps+ upload speed Examination not allowed on mobiles or tablets Do and Don’ts: 1. The candidate will take the examination from a secured environment. i. Place having desk and chairpreferably with plain backdrop (area behind the candidate) with adequate lighting so that the candidate is visible to the proctor. The place should be noise free with no public movement in the surroundings. All the items should be removed from the desk except computer/external webcam (if internal webcam is not available) /keyboard/mouse, other permitted items, if any. ii. Examination will not be conducted if the examination area is a Public place, a noisy environment, having inadequate lighting, having public movement in examination area/around the candidate, having other computer or similar device in the examination area. iii. The examination cannot be taken sitting on a couch, bed or on the floor. 2. Candidate’s will take examination on a registered date/time from a secured environment. Candidate who tries to appear after the scheduled examination date/time will not be allowed to appear for the examination. 3. Candidate’s should login to the system half an hour before the examination start time.  4. No other persons are allowed in the examination area during the examination. 5. Candidate must keep ready his/her original photo identity card that has name and photo on the same side, admit letter, rough sheet, pen/pencil and calculator. 6. Candidates must dress decently as though they are in a public place and will be video recorded 7. Candidates must not talk to anyone during the examination period or talk/read to oneself loudly. 8. In case of emergency he/she can talk to helpdesk in case of any technical issue with permission from proctor. 9. Candidates must not use headphones, ear buds, or any other type of listening equipment. 10. Candidates must not communicate with any other person by any means. 11. Candidates must not use any phone for any reason. 12. Candidates must not leave the room/examination area during the examination for any reason without the permission of the proctor. Leaving the room/examination area or moving to another room/area during the examination for any reason will be treated as a violation of examination rules. 13. Candidates must not setup the computer at the time of examination. All the settings need to done much before the examination time and tested properly. For any failure of the computer system during the examination period, Institute will not be responsible and candidate will lose his/her attempt. 14. Candidates must not switch off the webcam or mic or cover the webcam during the examination. 15. Candidates must not navigate away from examination window. 16. Candidate’s face must be positioned in the middle of the camera view and candidate’s face must be visible throughout the Examination. 17. Don't Position camera too low, too high or hooked onto a different monitor. Weird camera angles can be very distracting -- and unflattering -- during examination. The candidate should make sure that the camera is at eye level and on the monitor which is used for the examination. 18. Candidate must not look away from laptop/desktop screen, must face computer screen. 19. Candidate must not seek any assistance or refer study material/mobile/ for answering the questions. 20. Candidate must ensure that he/she has attempted every question and reviewed the accuracy of his/her answers before submitting the paper. Once submitted (even by mistake), re-examination will not be permitted. 21. On the exam day candidate is advised to ensure that the Laptop is fully charged and in case of Desktop it is connected to an uninterrupted power source for smooth conduct of examination. 22. Candidates are not permitted to logout/switch-off the computer for the sake of going to washroom and if they log out/switch-off, re-login will not be permitted. 23. Candidates will be allowed to use battery operated portable calculator during the examination. The calculator can be of any type up to 8 functions i.e. (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Percentage, Sq. root, Tax+ and Tax-), having 12 digits. Attempt to use any other type of calculator not complying with the specifications indicated above or having more features than mentioned above shall tantamount to use of unfair means. Scientific/Financial calculator is NOT allowed. Debarment/Cancellation of exam: 1) If a candidate indulges in unfair practices/suspicious acts, the proctor will intervene and warn or cancel the test. 2) For any case of misconduct, the proctor can warn/cancel the test immediately as the case may be. 3) For any unfair act (cheating) during the examination, the result of such examination may be cancelled and he/she will be liable for punishment. Institute will also inform the employer of the candidate by giving the details of unfair practice and punishment levied on the candidate.

1 comment:

  1. exam dene ka koi link to aaya nhi.
    dena kaise hai ye exam??
