Net worth/Equity :
Fixed Assets :
Funds brought in by the promoters as their investment in
Assets which are purchased for long term and not meant to be
business or generated by and retained in business, Share
sold but used for production.
capital/partner's capital/ Paid up equity share
Land & Building,Plant & Machinery
capital,/owners funds
Vehicles,Furniture & Fixture
Reserves & Surplus e.g. General Reserve, CapitalReserve,
Office equipment,Capital Work in Progress These are
Revaluation Reserve and Other Reserves),Retained
represented as under:
Earnings, Undistributed Profits,Preference share capital
Original value (Gross Bock) Less depreciation
(not redeemable within 12 years)
Net Block or book value or written down
Value Method
Long term liabilities:
Non Current Assets:
Liabilities which are not due for payment within 12 months
Assets which cannot be classified as current or
from the date of the Balance Sheet)
fixed or intangible assets Book Debts or Sundry Debtors more
Term loans from financial institutions;
than 6 months old/ Disputed Debts, Investment of long term
Term loan from banks; Debentures/Bonds;
nature in shares,
Deferred payment liability;Preference Shares redeemable
govt. securities, associates or sister firms or
within 12 years;
companies. Long term security deposits. Unquoted investments;
Fixed Deposits maturing after one year;
Investments in subsidiaries or sister concerns; Loans & Advances
Provision for gratuity; Unsecured Loans
to directors, officers; Accounts receivables in respect of sale of
plant &
machinery; Advances to concerns in which directors are
interested; Deposits with customs port trust etc
Intangible & fictitious Assets Which do not have physical
existence. For example: Goodwill, Patents, Trade Mark, Copy
Right, Preliminary or pre operative expenses, other formation
expenses, debit balance of P & L account, accumulated losses,
bad debts, Capital issue expenses e.g. discount on issue of share
& debentures, commission on underwriting of shares &
debentures; Deferred revenue expenditure
Short term or CurrentyLiabilities :
Current Assets :
Liabilities which are due for payment within 12 months
Cash in hand, Bank balance
from the date of the balance sheet and are to be repaid
including fixed ,deposits with banks. Stocks/inventory (such as
out of proceeds of current assets,Short term borrowings
raw material, stock in process, finished goods, consumable stores
from banks (C/C, 0/D or B/P, B/D limits) for working
and spares),Book debts/Sundry debtors/Bills Receivable/
capital.,Sundry/trade creditors/creditors/ Account
Accounts receivable/ debtors, Government and other trustee
payable,Bills Payable / trade acceptances
Fixed Deposits from public payable within one year,Short
(other than for long term purposes e.g. sinking funds, gratuity
duration loans or deposits
funds etc.),Readily Marketable/quoted govt. or other securities
Provision for taxation, Proposed Dividends, Provision for
meant for sale,Interest accrued and
bonus, unclaimed dividend.
receivables,Advance payment of taxes,
Deposits from dealers, selling agents etc.
pre-paid expenses,Advance payments for merchandise; unexpired
Advance payments from customers,
outstanding expenses and Accruals e.g. wages & salaries,
rent; expenses payable
e.g. Advertisement
Net worth/Equity :
Fixed Assets :
Funds brought in by the promoters as their investment in
Assets which are purchased for long term and not meant to be
business or generated by and retained in business, Share
sold but used for production.
capital/partner's capital/ Paid up equity share
Land & Building,Plant & Machinery
capital,/owners funds
Vehicles,Furniture & Fixture
Reserves & Surplus e.g. General Reserve, CapitalReserve,
Office equipment,Capital Work in Progress These are
Revaluation Reserve and Other Reserves),Retained
represented as under:
Earnings, Undistributed Profits,Preference share capital
Original value (Gross Bock) Less depreciation
(not redeemable within 12 years)
Net Block or book value or written down
Value Method
Long term liabilities:
Non Current Assets:
Liabilities which are not due for payment within 12 months
Assets which cannot be classified as current or
from the date of the Balance Sheet)
fixed or intangible assets Book Debts or Sundry Debtors more
Term loans from financial institutions;
than 6 months old/ Disputed Debts, Investment of long term
Term loan from banks; Debentures/Bonds;
nature in shares,
Deferred payment liability;Preference Shares redeemable
govt. securities, associates or sister firms or
within 12 years;
companies. Long term security deposits. Unquoted investments;
Fixed Deposits maturing after one year;
Investments in subsidiaries or sister concerns; Loans & Advances
Provision for gratuity; Unsecured Loans
to directors, officers; Accounts receivables in respect of sale of
plant &
machinery; Advances to concerns in which directors are
interested; Deposits with customs port trust etc
Intangible & fictitious Assets Which do not have physical
existence. For example: Goodwill, Patents, Trade Mark, Copy
Right, Preliminary or pre operative expenses, other formation
expenses, debit balance of P & L account, accumulated losses,
bad debts, Capital issue expenses e.g. discount on issue of share
& debentures, commission on underwriting of shares &
debentures; Deferred revenue expenditure
Short term or CurrentyLiabilities :
Current Assets :
Liabilities which are due for payment within 12 months
Cash in hand, Bank balance
from the date of the balance sheet and are to be repaid
including fixed ,deposits with banks. Stocks/inventory (such as
out of proceeds of current assets,Short term borrowings
raw material, stock in process, finished goods, consumable stores
from banks (C/C, 0/D or B/P, B/D limits) for working
and spares),Book debts/Sundry debtors/Bills Receivable/
capital.,Sundry/trade creditors/creditors/ Account
Accounts receivable/ debtors, Government and other trustee
payable,Bills Payable / trade acceptances
Fixed Deposits from public payable within one year,Short
(other than for long term purposes e.g. sinking funds, gratuity
duration loans or deposits
funds etc.),Readily Marketable/quoted govt. or other securities
Provision for taxation, Proposed Dividends, Provision for
meant for sale,Interest accrued and
bonus, unclaimed dividend.
receivables,Advance payment of taxes,
Deposits from dealers, selling agents etc.
pre-paid expenses,Advance payments for merchandise; unexpired
Advance payments from customers,
outstanding expenses and Accruals e.g. wages & salaries,
rent; expenses payable
e.g. Advertisement