Derivatives: A derivative is a financial contract that derives its value fromanother financial product/commodity (say spot rate) called underlying (thatmay
be a stock, stock index, a foreign currency, a commodity). Forward contract in forex, a simple formof a derivative.
Option : It is contract that provides a right but does not impose any obligation to buy or sell a financial instrument, say a share or security. It can be
exercised by the owner. Options offer the buyers, profits from favourablemovement of prices say of shares or foreign exchanqe.
Variants of option: There are two variants of options i.e. European (where the holder can exercise his right on the expiry date) and American (where
the holder can exercise the right, anytime between purchase date and the expiry date).
Call option : Owner (buyer), has the right to purchase and the seller has the obligation to sell, a specified no. of instruments (say shares ) at a specified
date during the time prior to expiry date.
Put Option : Owner or the buyer has the right to sell and the seller has the obligation to buy during a particular period
Futures: The futures are the contracts between sellers and buyers under which the sellers (termed 'short') have to deliver, a pre-fixed quantity, at a
pre-fixed time in future, at a pre-fixed price, to the buyers (known as long'). Themain features of a futures contract are that these are traded in
organised exchanges, regulated by institutions such as SEBI, they need onlymargin payment on a daily basis. Futures contract aremade primarily
for hedging, speculation, price determination and allocation of resources.
Forwards: The forward on the other hand is a contract that is traded off-the-stock exchange, is self regulatory and has certain flexibility unlike future
which are traded at stock exchange only, do not have flexibility of quantity and quality of commodity to be delivered and these are regulated by
SEBI, RBI or other agencies.
Derivatives: A derivative is a financial contract that derives its value fromanother financial product/commodity (say spot rate) called underlying (thatmay
be a stock, stock index, a foreign currency, a commodity). Forward contract in forex, a simple formof a derivative.
Option : It is contract that provides a right but does not impose any obligation to buy or sell a financial instrument, say a share or security. It can be
exercised by the owner. Options offer the buyers, profits from favourablemovement of prices say of shares or foreign exchanqe.
Variants of option: There are two variants of options i.e. European (where the holder can exercise his right on the expiry date) and American (where
the holder can exercise the right, anytime between purchase date and the expiry date).
Call option : Owner (buyer), has the right to purchase and the seller has the obligation to sell, a specified no. of instruments (say shares ) at a specified
date during the time prior to expiry date.
Put Option : Owner or the buyer has the right to sell and the seller has the obligation to buy during a particular period
Futures: The futures are the contracts between sellers and buyers under which the sellers (termed 'short') have to deliver, a pre-fixed quantity, at a
pre-fixed time in future, at a pre-fixed price, to the buyers (known as long'). Themain features of a futures contract are that these are traded in
organised exchanges, regulated by institutions such as SEBI, they need onlymargin payment on a daily basis. Futures contract aremade primarily
for hedging, speculation, price determination and allocation of resources.
Forwards: The forward on the other hand is a contract that is traded off-the-stock exchange, is self regulatory and has certain flexibility unlike future
which are traded at stock exchange only, do not have flexibility of quantity and quality of commodity to be delivered and these are regulated by
SEBI, RBI or other agencies.
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